
This post is about Europe. Europe is one of my favorite continents in the world. Some of the countrys in Europe are Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, Czech Reupublic, Denmark, Ukraine and Lithuania. Europe also have some fantastic soccer teams in the world cup like Italy, France, Spain, UK and Portugal. Europe is the second smallest continent in the world in terms of square miles. Europe is one of my favorite continents in the world. One unique thing about Europe is that it is joined to another continent that is Asia. Another thing that is unique about Europe is that many countries got together and formed the European Union. Not all countries are part of it.


    What is your favorite country in Europe and what is your favorite continent?

Is It Better To Have A Room Of Your Own Or Share A Room

Today my mom and I are going to have a debate about having a room of your own or sharing  one.I

Neil’s Purpose: To convince you that having a room of your own is better than sharing one.

Mom’s purpose: To convince Neil that sharing a room is better than to have one all to yourself.

Neil says: I think it is better that you have a room all to yourself because no one can bother you when you’re doing your work.

Mom says: So you and your sibling can learn to compromise.

Neil says: I think it is better to have a room all to yourself because at night your sibling might snore and interfere your sleep.

Mom says:I think you should share a room because It helps you build a bond with your sibling.

Neil says: Another thing that I think that you should have your own room is if you don’t want to let your sibling use something you can lock up your room.

Moms says: It helps you learn to share with your sibling.

Neil says: Did I convince you?

Mom says: No.

Mom says: Did I convince you?

Neil says: No.

                  What do you think?