Halloween Fun


Hi I am Boo. Here is a story of what happened last Halloween. Halloween was just around the corner and Boo did not have a costume. Then a package arrived. Boo was happier than ever. He opened the box and inside the box was a bumblebee bat. It’s name, well it didn’t have a name so Boo named it Scary the bumblebee bat. It was a real surprise for him. Boo thought it was his costume.


When it was Halloween night it was time to go trick-or treating. Scary was the only one who could go trick-or-treating since Scary was the only one with a costume. He was so excited about Halloween that he forgot to carve his pumpkin. Boo told Scary 3 rules.

1. Never trick-or-treat at a haunted house.

2. Never  scare anybody.

3.Get back home at 8:00

Boo said that if Scary follows these rules, he will stay safe.  Scary was on his way to the first house. Just then Scary saw a few trick-or-treaters. He remembered what Boo said. Never scare anybody. After Scary thought of the first rule he got very curious. He really wanted to scare someone, he just wanted to know what would happen. So he started to sneak  up on them and he screamed Boo! The trick-or-treaters  jumped and screamed Aaaah! They turned around and saw a strange thing flying in the air, and they said you’re a mean little what ever you are and you just look disgusting. Scary flew away very sad. He saw some thing that looked like a haunted house.

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There was a monster waiting at the door. Scary walked up to him and said trick-or-treat. Just then the monster picked up Scary and put him on a plate and said “Hello dinner.”  Scary got so scared that he flew off the plate and hid. Meanwhile Boo looked at at the clock and saw that it was 9:00. So he decided to go look for Scary.  When he walked out of the house he saw a few trick-or-treaters and asked them if they saw another trick-or-treater?  They answered ” Yes there was a flying thing, and it scared us. ”  “Thank you,”  said Boo. The group of trick-or-treaters said ” You are welcome. ”  Boo walked a little more and he saw a haunted house. Then he saw the monster that took Scary. Well he did the same thing to Boo he picked him up put him in a plate and said, “Hello dinner. ” Boo floated out of the plate tried to hide in the closet. There he found Scary. He said to Scary, ” Lets get out of here, but we can not go the way we came from.” They started to sneak past the monster and opened a door. They saw a lot of obstacles. the sign said : If  you want to get out, answer the questions and don’t touch anything. So the two went on till they saw a locked door. The question was What is 97-77? they saw a piece  of paper to answer the question. Boo’s  answer answer was 20. Just then he heard some one say “Correct! ” The door. So they went on. Then they came to a blade so sharp it could cut through steel like it was rubber. It was spinning. The next sign said get past with out touching blade. Scary flew over the blade and Boo floated right through. I am almost sure that you thought it would be hard for Boo and Scary but it was a piece of cake for those two. Just then they saw an opening. They peeked through but there was a giant waiting at the door. They looked the other way they crept closer and they saw no giants so they went through and ran home. When they got home Boo said to Scary “Did you learn a lesson”.  Scary said “What lesson?”  Boo said “To listen to the rules.” Then Scary said “Oh! that lesson. I will always listen to your rules.” Boo said “Good.”

The End

Did you learn a lesson from this story? I’l give you a hint Scary learned this lesson. Yes that lesson. always follow rules.

Madagascar Giant Day Gecko


This post is about the animal I chose to research, the Madagascar Giant Day Gecko. It is found in Madagascar, Florida and a few other islands. It is light green and it’s tummy is pale yellow. It’s skin feels like leather. It has red spots on its back and a red stripes from it’s eye to it’s snout. Also, there is a red triangle between the stripes.  It eats fruit crabs, scorpions, bugs, and in zoos even baby food. Some times it eats its own babies. It’s predators are snakes and birds. It is the master at escaping it’s predators .To escape it’s predators it changes color to a darker green to match the leaves and some times it drops its’tail. (It’s tail grows back). It’s tail is as long as the rest of its body. It does not have eye lids, so to keep it’s eyes wet it licks its eyes. It lays mostly 2 eggs at a time. Some people have them as pets. The Madagascar giant day gecko is endangered. Have you ever seen the geico gecko on television?71546824_640

He is a Madagascar giant day gecko. If you have not  seen the geico gecko then here is a image of him above.

Arch Bridges

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This post is about arch bridges. This picture is of the Fremont bridge. The Fremont is in the city of Portland. This how the weight travels. So first there comes the weight (which is a car, train, and lots more). The weight of the car goes through the arch and then to the ground. I think the arch bridge is the strongest bridge of all. If you build an arch bridge out of Legos and stand on it, the bridge will not break.





Hello Ranchers,

Here are a few  pictures of salmon. The first pictures is of a coho salmon. Do you see how it’s color is lighter on the tummy and darker on the top? I think it’s like that because when you are looking down from the water it gets darker. So when its predators look down they will not see them and it’s lighter in color on the tummy because if it’s predators look up to its tummy they will not see it because when you look up from the water it gets brighter. The image of the cooked salmon is for fun and for education. Did you know that a salmon is very good to eat? It has a lot of protein. Continue reading Salmon

Cable-Stay Bridges


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Hello  ranchers,

These are a few images of  a cable stayed bridge. The first bridge on the left is a different design  of a cable stayed bridge. I am almost sure that the first bridge is in Spain. The other image is to show the where the tension is ,and how the weight travels to the ground. The white arrows represents the weight and the red  arrows represents the tension. In Oregon there is only one cable stayed bridge called the Tilikum Crossing. The person that designed the bridge was named Donald McDonald. This is how the weight travels. The first thing is the weight. Lets say a car drives over a cable stayed bridge where does the weight go? The weight travels through the cables.The cables are connected to the pylon. So the weight goes through the cables to the pylon and through the pylon, it goes to the ground.

What is your favorite cable stayed bridge?





Why I chose my header

Hi, I am Neil, welcome to my blog.  I chose this header because I love soccer. My favorite  soccer players are Lionel  Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. I chose a  Messi  header. (Messi is a famous Argentinian soccer player who plays for Barcelona). My favorite position in soccer is being a midfielder. I have been playing since I was 5.  I like soccer because it is a challenging sport and not too physical. Soccer requires lots of skill. It is also a lot of fun.

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