Blue Poison Dart Frog


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This post is about the blue poison dart frog. The frog is very small but it has a lot of poison. I think that is how it got poison in its name  and blue cause it is blue. I like its bright blue color. I think the bright color warns its predator that it is poisonous and not to eat it or not to touch it. I saw that there was a lump on its back. I do not know what it is for though. There is a picture of a few tadpoles. The blue poison dart frogs natural environment is the rain fores. Just like other frogs they eat bugs.

4 thoughts on “Blue Poison Dart Frog”

  1. Dear Neil,
    Until your paragraph about the Blue Poison Dart Frog, I didn’t know anything about it. I think you are right about how it got its name. What is the life cycle of these frogs?
    Mrs. Fordyce

  2. I love the bright blue color of the poison dart frog. We used to have a frog living in our pond in front of the house. It made a lot of noise at night. Thank goodness it wasn’t a poison dart frog!

  3. Hi Neil my name is Tate and I am from 4th grade my teacher is Mr.Geiman. I really liked your story about Poison Dart Frog’s.I wish Poison Dart Frogs weren’t poison then I could hold one.I wonder what would happen if they came to a city or the country?

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